Depollution: Call for expression of interest to assist 20 companies to manage their industrial water discharges

A call for expression of interest has been launched by the International Center for Environmental Technologies of Tunis (CITET) to assist 20 companies to manage their industrial water discharges, within the framework of the depollution programme of the Mediterranean “DEPOLMED”.

They are industrial companies located in the regions of South Meliane (Governorate of Ben Arous), Jedeida, Kélibia and Sousse North, and active in particular in the agri-food and textile sectors.

The 10-month technical assistance project will be conducted in four phases Pre-diagnosis and planning of the mission, diagnosis of industrial water discharges, development of an action plan for the control of industrial water discharges, and assistance in the implementation of the action plan.

International and national experts in industrial wastewater treatment will provide training and support to the selected companies. Interested companies are requested to fill in an application form and submit it to CITET before March 30, 2023.

The DEPOLMED programme for the depollution of the Mediterranean is co-financed by the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Union (EU) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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