Defense at ISTIC: Issoufou Ouédraogo raises the issue of the socio-professional integration of the visually impaired

The visually handicapped applicant, Issoufou Ouédraogo, is interested in the socio-professional integration of visually handicapped people for obtaining the diploma of assistant in sciences and techniques of information and communication at the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (ISTIC).

Isssoufou Ouédraogo supported on Monday, June 26, 2023 at ISTIC, by presenting an audiovisual work on the theme: “Socio-professional integration of visually impaired people: State of play and perspectives”.

According to the applicant, several causes including the environment, the inadequacy of work equipment and prejudices explain the virtual absence of visually impaired people in many sectors of socio-professional life.

But for Issoufou Ouédraogo, nowadays, many visually impaired people have been trained and have skills to spare.

Mr. Ouédraogo then invited people of goodwill to open the doors of their businesses to them to see what they are capable of.

Issoufou Ouédraogo claimed to have encountered difficulties in the realization of his production such as the insufficiency of financial means, the unavailability and the refusal of certain actors to lend themselves to his questions.

he also pointed out the difficulties linked to the handling of editing, recording and filming devices which are not adapted to the reality of visually handicapped people.

“Nothing is easy in training but it was patience, determination that pushed us to complete this training,” he added.

Issouf Ouédraogo received a score of 16/20 and is now Assistant in Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques.

He is the second visually impaired student to support as a journalism assistant at ISTIC.

The applicant’s production manager, Elie Zan, thinks that beyond this political will to take into account these visually impaired people, tools must be made available to them and to the supervisors.

Mr. Zan underlined that they encountered many difficulties in carrying out the production, but given the will and the intrinsic quality of the applicant, this facilitated their work.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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