Dédougou Traditional Leaders Rally in Support of Burkina Faso’s Transitional Government and Military

Dédougou – On June 8, 2024, traditional leaders in Dédougou organized a march to express their support for the Combatant Forces, President Ibrahim Traoré, and the transitional government of Burkina Faso. The march, which spanned over a kilometer, culminated at the governorate where a message of support and a financial contribution were presented.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the coordinator of the march, the event was prompted by the Traditional Movement for Peace and Security (MCSP). The participants, armed with flags, signs, banners, and whistles, assembled to celebrate the progress towards peace in the Boucle du Mouhoun region. Saboué highlighted the restoration of local areas, resettlement activities, and the reopening of national road 14 from Dédougou to Djibasso as significant achievements.

The traditional leaders, through their procession, also extended an invitation to President Traoré to visit Dédougou to receive their blessings and encouragement in person. During the event, an envelope containing 200 thousand FCFA was donated as a contribution to the ongoing peace efforts.

The representative of the governor and High Commissioner of Mouhoun, Souleymane Nakanabo, expressed gratitude for the traditional leaders’ initiative. He emphasized the importance of national mobilization to achieve a peaceful and prosperous Burkina Faso. Nakanabo assured the participants that their message and contributions would be conveyed to the President at the earliest opportunity.

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