Création Africa : Paris hosts first Forum of Cultural and Creative Industries (ICC)


Organized with the support of the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture, in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Business France, the Banque Publique d’Investissement (Bpifrance) and the Institut français, Création Africa focuses on the fast-growing creative sectors of TV series, animation cinema, immersive worlds (video games, metaverse and XR) and publishing (comics).

An act of foreshadowing MansA, the future Maison des Mondes Africains, the Création Africa forum is designed as a platform for meetings, sharing of expertise and the development of talent. It is part of an innovative approach, seeking to redefine perspectives and recognize the intertwined destinies of Europe and Africa. This vision initiated by the Africa2020 Season, supported by nearly 1,000 partners in France and throughout the African continent, as well as by the New Africa Summit France, held in Montpellier exactly two years ago, continues its journey with Création Africa.

ion Africa, as a platform for creating new opportunities and new narratives, conjures up new imaginations that are more representative of our constantly changing societies.

Artist-creators, producers, broadcasters and captains of industry are invited to share the best of contemporary African creation, to discuss production issues and to envisage new prospects for collaboration and exchanges with French and European entrepreneurs.

The Forum will feature roundtables, keynotes, exhibitions, screenings and immersive experiences, and will address a range of topical issues, from the creative and inclusive potential of AI and its ethical limits, to the distribution of works and issues of diversity and inclusion in video games.

On October 7, the CNAM is hosting a day of exchanges and debates open to the public, coordinated by the Institut français, on the main issues relating to the growth and structuring of the cultural and creative industries sector on the African continent.

Find out all about the Création Afri
ca programme Getting there :

Source: Africa News Agency