Covid-19: No pay for unvaccinated civil servants in Zimbabwe


HARARE Zimbabwe will not allow unvaccinated government employees to access their offices following the lapse of the compulsory COVID-19 vaccination deadline on Friday, a circular showed.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration is trying to encourage more people to get vaccinated to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

The southern African country was among the first on the continent to vaccinate against Covid-19, but only less than 2.5 million people out of its population of 15 million people have been fully vaccinated.

Authorities say they want to vaccinate at least 60 percent of the population by the end of the year to achieve herd immunity.

On Sept 14, civil servants were given a month to comply with a directive to get vaccinated.

In a circular dated Oct 14, Health and Child Care permanent secretary Jasper Chimedza said those barred from work will not get paid.

“Please note that members who fail to produce the vaccination certificates shall not be allowed to report for duty in an endeavour to implement (the) government’s thrust of minimising the spread and effect of the novel Covid-19 pandemic,” Dr Chimedza said.

“Those who will not attend to their daily duties due to non-compliance shall be deemed to be absent from work and consequential action will be taken.”

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), the country’s main labour body, last month took the government to court challenging the compulsory vaccination drive.

ZCTU says the directive infringes on workers’ rights and must be scrapped.

The case is yet to be heard after the High Court dismissed an application by the labour body for it to be handled on an urgent basis.

Some private businesses have followed the government’s lead by barring unvaccinated employees from reporting for duty.

Zimbabwe’s vaccination rates have dropped significantly after infections decreased.

As of Oct 14, the country had recorded 132,251 Covid-19 cases and 4,655 deaths.



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