Consolidation of social cohesion: Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo welcomes the contribution of the FEME

The Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo paid, on Tuesday April 18, 2023 in Ouagadougou, a courtesy visit to the Federation of Churches and Missions Evangelicals of Burkina (FEME).

Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo went to translate the recognition of the Transitional Government towards the FEME and to seek more of its contribution for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

This meeting was an opportunity for the Minister and the members of the FEME office to discuss issues relating to the life of the Nation, leading to proposals for action for the promotion of living together and the consolidation of peace in Burkina Faso.

While recalling that this war is not only military, the Government Spokesman stressed that the other weapon for the consolidation of the social fabric and the rapid return of peace in our country is communication through the dissemination of messages of peace and social cohesion.

He also insisted that to achieve this, the Government of the Transition needs the support of leaders, particularly religious and customary for the promotion of living together and understanding between the sons and daughters of Burkina.

The president of the FEME, Pastor Henri Yé welcomed this visit of the minister who honors his structure. He also congratulated the Government of the Transition whose inclusive approach with religious leaders nourished the hope of a Burkina Faso of peace and regained security.

At the end of the exchanges, the minister, like the members of the federation, expressed their satisfaction and expressed their readiness to work together to further consolidate peace and security in Burkina Faso.

This visit to the FEME is part of a series of meetings with the various religious and customary communities with a view to synergizing actions for security, peace and progress in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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