Consolidation of peace: Journalists sensitized to Kaya

The regional directorate of communication and media of the Center-North organized on August 26, 2023 in Kaya, a capacity building workshop for media actors in the province of Sanmatenga.

Placed under the residence of Wenceslas Anselme Wend-Kouni Yoni, this framework brought together around thirty journalists and presenters from the province with the effective presence of Ms. Sorgho/Oubda Safiata, Regional Director of Culture and Ousséni Ouédraogo, Provincial Director of Sanmatenga.

It was in the form of a panel that the Sanmatenga media consultation framework, established by the regional directorate in charge of communication and media in the Center-North, was held in Kaya on Saturday August 26, 2023.

“Processing information in times of crisis: rights and responsibilities of the local press in the process of reconquering territory and consolidating peace and social cohesion” and “The challenges of better media organization local areas for the consolidation of peace and social cohesion. » were the themes developed respectively by Emil Segda, advisor in communication and information sciences and Wenceslas Anselme Wend-Kouni Yoni, Regional Director of Communication and Media of the Center-North.

These communications served as a basis for exchanges and awareness-raising among participants on the issues and principles of social communication in times of crisis and for strengthening their capacities on peace journalism.

According to the regional director, it was a matter of “creating a space for dialogue between media actors in the region with a view to uniting energies for a strengthening of professionalism in the press organs, especially in this period of war for the reconquest of territory and for the consolidation of peace. »

In light of the discussions, it appears that the media in the North-Central region have many assets despite the weaknesses and real threats linked to the difficult humanitarian and security context.

For the participants, it is imperative to strengthen collaboration between press organs and between staff from different media in order to make a contribution to the consolidation of peace in the region.

The birth of associations of media actors in the region constitutes self-training frameworks for journalists and presenters for the benefit of the media.

It was recommended the creation of a framework for permanent consultation between the regional management in charge of communication and the media and the media bosses of the region with a view to strengthening the synergy of actions of the media in the region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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