Conference on Information and Communication Practices in Burkina Concludes with Promising Research Foundations.


Ouagadougou: The results of the three-day conference on information and communication practices in a changing society are set to provide a foundational basis for future research, as stated by Dr. Firmin Gouba. The conference sought to better understand the societal changes and consider solutions tailored to the African context.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the event’s closing ceremony was chaired by Professor Gabin Korbéogo, the director of the Doctoral School of Letters, Human Sciences and Communication at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University. Prof. Korbéogo expressed optimism that the collaborations and ideas generated over the course of the conference would translate into tangible outcomes in the work of teacher-researchers. He emphasized that the conference marked a significant step in their mission to contribute to societal transformation through scientific research and innovation.

Dr. Firmin Gouba, president of the organizing committee and head of the Media and Organizational Communication laborator
y (LAMCO), highlighted the conference’s role as a starting point for understanding changes and developing solutions specific to the African context. He emphasized that the results achieved would support future work and foster strengthened collaborations and concrete actions.

The conference also addressed the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism, with Pr Cyriaque Paré, head of the online media, presenting his study on AI use by Burkinabe journalists. The study revealed that while journalists have certain expectations from AI, there are also prevalent fears. The use of AI is anticipated to enhance productivity, accuracy, and access to information. Professor Paré stressed the need for training journalists to utilize AI effectively to improve editorial content.

The conference, held from Thursday, November 14 to Saturday, November 16, 2024, was organized by the Media and Organizational Communication laboratory (LAMCO) at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.