Community Effort to Repair Boulsa Dam Foundation in Namentenga

BOULSA — On Sunday, July 21, 2024, the residents of Boulsa, Namentenga province, gathered en masse to repair the deteriorating foundation of the local dam, heeding the call of the province’s high commissioner, Adama Conseiga. The initiative aimed to prevent the total collapse of the dam’s foundation, which is crucial for the safe passage of heavy vehicles in the region.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the foundation’s damage was severe enough to disrupt transportation and pose risks to the structure’s integrity. The community’s response was robust, with people from all parts of the commune participating actively. Residents contributed by filling bags with red earth to stabilize the foundation, while others transported these bags to the critical areas. Additionally, younger volunteers assisted by moving large stones to support the underside of the dam’s slabs.

The provincial director in charge of Infrastructure, Noel Nadinga, expressed gratitude for the community’s patriotic spirit and efforts in this crucial repair work. The high commissioner also extended his thanks to all participants for their dedication and hard work in safeguarding the dam, which is located on the Boulsa-Kaya axis of the national road no. 15, near the major northern market of Boulsa.

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