Civil Society Marches in Support of Burkina Faso’s Fighting Forces

Léo, December 3, 2023 (AIB) – In a show of solidarity, civil society organizations in Léo conducted a march on Saturday, December 2, 2023, to express their support for the nation’s security forces. This march followed the successful efforts of the nation’s defense forces against terrorists in Djibo.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the march began at the Natou roundabout, with several hundred participants including officials and traditional chiefs from the canton of Léo. The demonstrators, equipped with whistles and carrying banners, walked through the streets to demonstrate their unwavering support for the transitional government, the FDS (Defense and Security Forces), and the VDP (Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland).

The banners displayed messages such as “Support for the FDS and VDP! Courage to the desperate people! Full support for the president! Strength and courage to the FDS and VDP! No to these institutions and powers which finance terrorists! Down with imperialism! Down with neocolonialism! Down with corrupt leaders! Long live the revolution!”

The procession made stops at key locations including the provincial directorate of the national police of Sissili, the municipal police of Léo, and the territorial gendarmerie brigade of Léo. At each stop, participants chanted supportive slogans and representatives of the organizers delivered speeches, reiterating their support and handing over copies of their messages to the authorities.

Asseni Ziba, the vice-president of the Burkina-Russia friendship group, Sissili section, spoke at the event, assuring the FDS and VDP of Sissili province of their unwavering support. Ziba emphasized the community’s commitment to assisting in the fight for the reconquest of territory and the establishment of a peaceful Burkina Faso, which is essential for harmonious development.

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