Chinese Embassy Affirms Inclusive Policy Towards Myanmar Amid Accusations

Yangon—The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar has clarified that its policies towards Myanmar are inclusive and beneficial to all Myanmar people, responding to recent unfounded allegations of interference in Myanmar’s internal affairs.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy articulated China’s stance on Saturday, emphasizing the longstanding amicable relations between China and Myanmar. The embassy firmly supports Myanmar’s independence, sovereignty, national unity, and territorial integrity. It remains committed to a non-interference policy in Myanmar’s internal matters and supports a Myanmar-owned and Myanmar-led peace process.

The spokesperson also expressed opposition to chaos and conflict within Myanmar and criticized external interference in the nation’s affairs. Additionally, the embassy disapproved of any attempts to sow discord between China and Myanmar or to baselessly accuse China. The spokesperson urged all involved parties in Myanmar to cease hostilities promptly, resolve disputes peacefully, and de-escalate tensions, including in northern Myanmar. China intends to continue its constructive role in fostering peace and stability in the region.

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