China Reaffirms Support for Myanmar’s Sovereignty and Peace, Denies Interference

NAYPYIDAW — In a recent statement, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar declared its dedication to fostering friendly relations with all citizens of Myanmar, countering allegations of meddling in the country’s internal affairs.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the embassy’s spokesperson addressed the media on Saturday, responding to what China views as unfounded accusations from certain media outlets and individuals. The spokesperson emphasized China’s longstanding friendship with Myanmar, underscoring China’s commitment to supporting Myanmar’s independence, sovereignty, national unity, and territorial integrity without interfering in its internal matters.

China also expressed its opposition to any form of chaos and conflict within Myanmar, particularly condemning external interference and attempts to destabilize the relationship between the two nations. “China opposes any actions and statements that aim to sow discord between China and Myanmar and groundlessly accuse China,” the spokesperson stated firmly.

The spokesperson also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Myanmar, urging conflicting parties to resolve their differences peacefully and help deescalate tensions, particularly in northern Myanmar. “China will persist in playing a constructive role in the peace process, which is led and owned by Myanmar,” the spokesperson added.

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