China Elevates Mali Relations to Strategic Partnership Status, President Xi Announces

BEIJING — In a significant development, Chinese President Xi Jinping declared on Monday the elevation of China-Mali relations to a “strategic partnership.” This announcement followed a meeting with Mali’s head of state, Colonel Assimi Goïta, where both leaders discussed the future of bilateral cooperation.

According to Burkina Information Agency, this advancement marks a historical moment in Sino-Malian relations, setting the stage for enhanced cooperation aimed at supporting Mali’s development trajectory based on its unique circumstances. The Chinese leader emphasized the commitment to deepening ties with Mali and assisting in its national development efforts.

Mali’s President Goïta, currently in Beijing for the 9th summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation running from September 4 to 6, expressed his approval of the upgraded partnership level, reflecting the strengthened bonds between the two nations. This strategic partnership status promises to open new avenues for collaboration in various sectors, aligned with Mali’s development goals and China’s foreign cooperation strategies.

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