Chief Whip Mohai Advocates for Harmonized Legislative Response to Climate Change in SADC Region

Port Louis, Mauritius – Mr. Seiso Mohai, the Chief Whip of the National Council of Provinces, has called on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) to lead the creation of a Model Law on Climate Change. This initiative aims to unify and strengthen the legislative approach to climate change across the SADC region.

According to Parliament of South Africa, Mauritius, South Africa supports the Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources’ report, highlighting the critical need to confront the challenges posed by climate change. The theme of the assembly is centered on the role of parliaments in enhancing disaster risk reduction and recovery planning in the SADC region.

Mr. Mohai emphasized the urgency of developing a regional Model Law on Climate Change, aiming to align the region’s legislative response to the climate crisis effectively. He pointed out that the SADC region is expected to face increased land and ocean surface temperatures, altering rainfall patterns, wind dynamics, and the timing and intensity of weather events. These climatic changes, he noted, will have significant effects on agriculture, natural resources, and community well-being.

Praising the SADC’s initiatives, such as the adoption of the SADC Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, Mr. Mohai stressed that legislators have a crucial role beyond these efforts. He urged them to influence their governments to set more ambitious emissions reduction targets, develop sustainable adaptation strategies, and establish credible financing plans.

Furthermore, the Chief Whip called for the SADC PF to advance this vital endeavor by developing a regional parliamentary oversight toolkit based on the outcomes of the upcoming COP28. This toolkit would enable SADC member parliaments to enhance their domestic oversight strategies in tackling climate change.

Mr. Mohai concluded by highlighting the responsibility of parliamentarians to proactively secure the future of the region by establishing an effective response to the climate crisis. He asserted that through collective effort and determination, a resilient and sustainable future could be forged for future generations.

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