Central-West Burkina Faso Reviews Mid-Term Development Progress

KOUDOUGOU – The second ordinary session of the Central-West Regional Dialogue Framework (CRD) convened in Koudougou on Thursday, under the chairmanship of Governor Boubacar Nouhoun Traoré, to evaluate the mid-term performance of the region’s Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) as of June 30, 2024.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the session focused on reviewing the PA-SD’s achievements and challenges. The report indicated a physical achievement rate of 30.84% for the strategies outlined in the plan, with 8 of the 101 programmed products fully produced, 48 in progress, and 45 yet to start. Financial execution stood at 31.02%, with 5,737,681,584 F CFA spent out of a planned 15,871,416,177 F CFA. Factors such as delays in approval for fund usage, insufficient financial resources, contractor failures, and issues with resource allocation were cited as reasons for the limited progress.

The session also laid out prospects for the second half of 2024, with planned actions totaling 4,522,537,528 CFA francs. These actions include assistance to internally displaced persons, construction of boreholes, rehabilitation of water supply systems, procurement of furniture, and classroom construction. Additionally, the development of rural roads, construction of crossing structures, and community conflict prevention and management sessions are on the agenda.

Furthermore, the session resulted in four recommendations aimed at improving coordination and capacity among local actors. These include holding a CRD session extended to local authorities to address expenditure chain issues, a training session on new public spending regulations, a capacity-building session for town hall secretaries, and special operations to issue national identity cards for displaced persons returning to their origins.

Governor Traoré commended the stakeholders for their efforts amidst challenging conditions and emphasized the need for increased collaboration and understanding to address the region’s ongoing challenges.

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