Celebrations Start For Cairo’s Designation As Islamic World’s Culture Capital

CAIRO– Celebrations to mark Cairo’s designation as the “Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2022” were inaugurated yesterday.

The Egyptian Minister of Culture, Inas Abdel-Dayem, and Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Salim AlMalik attended the opening ceremony, according to the ministry’s statement.

The Egyptian capital embraces unique cultural diversity and presents ancient Islamic civilization with castles, walls, schools, and mosques, said Abdel-Dayem.

For his part, AlMalik said that Cairo has maintained its heritage and importance over decades.

As many as 149 events that embody the most important features of Egyptian identity will be organized, which will cover seminars, lectures, conferences, publications, photo galleries and competitions, artistic shows, folklore performances and handicraft exhibitions, said the statement.


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