Shaolin Kung Fu Online Games set off world craze

How popular is Shaolin Kung Fu in the world? The answer might be in the Shaolin Kung Fu Online Games.

ZHENGZHOU, China, Feb. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In December 2021, the online games were jointly launched by the Shaolin Temple and the Shaolin culture centers in the five continents. More than 5000 kung fu enthusiasts of all ages from more than 100 countries have submitted their registration forms. Shaolin kung fu sets off a worldwide craze again.

“Health is the foundation for a perfect life and the source of people’s common values.” Shaolin Temple Abbot Shi Yongxin said in his New Year’s message, “Kung fu makes us united, more inclusive, and open.”

Featured with universality, Shaolin kung fu is a perfect exercise for people aged from 3 to 80. The online games received registrations from many families.

“The Kung Fu contest is not only about skills, but also an expression of cultural heritage, and a display of the tiger-like spirit in the Chinese Year of the Tiger,” said Abbot Shi Yongxin, who exalted the outstanding performance of contestants across the world.

The online contest not only received extensive support from governments and enterprises but also got foreign media coverage.

Austrian Ambassador to China Andreas Riecken sent a congratulatory letter to Abbot Shi Yongxin on January 28. The ambassador spoke highly of the contest: “The Shaolin Kung Fu Online Games help promote mutual understanding between Chinese culture and other cultures in the world through Shaolin kung fu.” The Ambassador also wished the contest a complete success at the end of the letter.

The temple also received congratulatory messages from government officials around the world including Heinz Fischer, former president of Austria and president of the Austria-China Friendship Association (ACFA), Slovakian Culture Minister Natália Milanová, Mayor of Slovakia’s Brezno City Tomáš Abel, U.S. Congresswoman Grace Meng, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Austrian Buddhist Religious Society President Gerhard Weißgrab, Chu Kwok-keung, member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR, and Macau Legislative Assembly Members Ma Chi-seng, Zheng Anting, and Pang Chuan.

Italian TV channel Rai 2 produced a report on the contest, introducing Shaolin kung fu in detail and the Temple’s donation to Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local contestants also expressed their love for Shaolin kung fu in the report.

The result will be announced on February 15. An award ceremony will be held and broadcast to audiences via live streaming.

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LeddarTech Anuncia Financiamento de 140 Milhões de Dólares de Série D Combinado com Dívida

Este financiamento mais recente apoia os esforços de crescimento e desenvolvimento acelerado da LeddarTech das suas soluções automotivas exclusivas de fusão e percepção de sensor.

QUEBEC CITY, Feb. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®, líder global no fornecimento da tecnologia de detecção de ADAS e AD mais flexível, robusta e precisa, tem o prazer de anunciar uma rodada de financiamento bem-sucedida com um investimento de US$ 140 milhões, que compreende um primeiro fechamento da Série D de US$ 116 milhões e uma linha de crédito de US$ 24 milhões.

A FS Investors liderou a rodada de financiamento com a participação da Investissement Québec, BDC Capital, Go Capital, determinados fundos administrados pela Fidelity Investments Canada ULC, Fonds de BNDité FTQ, Export Development Canada, ams OSRAM, Desjardins Capital, UI Investissement, Cowen Investment II LLC e outros gerentes da LeddarTech. A linha de crédito foi garantida pelo Desjardins Group.

Este investimento irá acelerar o desenvolvimento e a comercialização das soluções LeddarTech. Além disso, a LeddarTech usará os fundos para ampliar os recursos de engenharia para atender às demandas dos clientes OEM automotivos e Nível 1-2 em todo o mundo ativamente envolvidos com a empresa para soluções de detecção de percepção e fusão de sensores.

“Nossa decisão de fazer parceria com a LeddarTech teve início quando formos apresentados à equipe de gestão sênior corporativa. Individualmente, a equipe sênior possui décadas de experiência na indústria de tecnologia. Além disso, muitos trabalharam com grandes empresas globais de tecnologia automotiva e de detecção”, disse Nick Stone, fundador e sócio da FS Investors. “Um extenso processo de due diligence, juntamente com uma forte validação do cliente, confirmou que a solução exclusiva da LeddarTech é a mais bem posicionada no mercado para liberar a adoção em massa de ADAS e AD, quebrando a dependência típica do software no hardware na detecção”, disse o Sr. Stone, concluindo que: “A solução LeddarVision™ da LeddarTech, oferece aos clientes a flexibilidade de escalonamento rápido nos modelos de veículos, e a rápida colocação no mercado com maior desempenho por um custo menor.”

“O sucesso desta rodada é um testemunho do crescimento e reconhecimento da indústria que a LeddarTech alcançou. Tenho o prazer de receber a FS Investors como nossos investidores mais recentes, que trazem sua vasta experiência e experiência no setor de tecnologia profunda”, disse Charles Boulanger, CEO da LeddarTech. “Fiquei impressionado com a qualidade e o rigor da due diligente e com a excepcional compreensão do mercado ADAS e AD deles, o que confirma o valor da nossa solução de software única. Nossa equipe e eu estamos prontos para trabalhar com a FS Investors, nossos novos investidores e parceiros existentes para viabilizar que nossos clientes implantem significativamente nossas soluções ADAS e AD confiáveis e econômicas nas suas marcas e mercados”, concluiu o Sr. Boulanger.

A Cowen e a Desjardins Capital Markets atuaram como coorientadoras nesta rodada de investimentos.

Sobre a LeddarTech

Fundada em 2007, a LeddarTech evoluiu, tornando-se uma empresa abrangente de sensoriamento ambiental completo, permitindo que os clientes resolvam desafios essenciais de sensoriamento, fusão e percepção em toda a cadeia de valor. A empresa oferece soluções econômicas e escaláveis, como LeddarVision™, uma plataforma de fusão e percepção de sensores de dados brutos que gera um modelo ambiental 3D abrangente com configurações de múltiplos sensores para suporte de plena autonomia de Nível 2 ao Nível 5. É escalável para dar suporte a todos os níveis de automação do veículo. Além disso, a LeddarTech dá suporte aos fabricantes LiDAR e integradores de sistemas automotivos de Nível 1-2 com o LeddarSteer™, um dispositivo de direção de feixe digital, e a solução de desenvolvimento LiDAR XLRator para desenvolvimento LiDAR de estado sólido de grau automotivo com base na LeddarEngine™, e componentes principais de parceiros globais de semicondutores. A empresa é responsável por muitas inovações de aplicações com sensor remoto automotivos e de mobilidade avançadas, com mais de 100 tecnologias ADAS aprimoradas patenteadas (concedidas ou pendentes), e capacidade de condução autônoma.

Para mais informações sobre a LeddarTech, visite, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente de Marketing Global, Comunicações e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ramal 232

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, LeddarEcho, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

Luxcore, Inc. annonce la mise en production de la plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud LambdaXchange™

– Signature d’un accord exclusif de trois ans avec l’État de la diaspora africaine (SOAD) pour fournir une plateforme, des produits et des services d’infrastructure de données Cloud

– LambdaXchange™ soutiendra les services bancaires mobiles numériques de SOAD, les devises numériques des banques centrales, les cryptomonnaies et échanges dérivés, les services mobiles et de commerce électronique sur leur marché mondial potentiel de 1,7 milliard de personnes

– L’entreprise accède aux marchés de capitaux privés pour développer davantage sa plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud

ATLANTA, 4 février 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Luxcore, Inc., un fournisseur d’infrastructure de données Cloud en phase de démarrage, a annoncé aujourd’hui la mise en production de sa plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud LambdaXchange™, une plateforme technologique de registre distribué compatible avec l’IA pour le routage, la commutation et le transport intelligents de données avec des points d’échange à Miami, Dallas et Atlanta.


Dans le cadre de cette première mise en production, le 8 janvier 2022, Luxcore a signé sa première entreprise cliente multinationale avec le gouvernement de l’État de la diaspora africaine (SOAD). Le SOAD est membre du Traité de la Communauté économique des États, Nations, Territoires et Royaumes de la 6e région africaine. Dans le cadre de cet accord exclusif de trois ans, Luxcore fournira sa plateforme, ses produits et ses services d’infrastructure de données Cloud LambdaXchange™ à l’appui des services bancaires mobiles numériques, des devises numériques des banques centrales, des cryptomonnaies et des échanges dérivés, des services mobiles et de commerce électronique au marché mondial de SOAD, qui compte potentiellement 1,7 milliard de personnes.

« Notre Parlement a récemment adopté une loi établissant notre Code de nationalité et de citoyenneté : ainsi, la diaspora africaine mais également les Africains sur le continent seront éligibles à l’identification numérique de SOAD », a déclaré le Dr Louis-Georges Tin, Premier ministre de SOAD. « La carte d’identité fonctionnera comme une multicarte. Cette initiative historique offrira des services numériques comme l’accès aux élections, notre système d’éducation, les services bancaires et cryptographiques, le commerce électronique et plus encore. Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à Luxcore en tant que fournisseur technologique exclusif de services Cloud pour aider le SOAD à atteindre ses objectifs et à améliorer la vie de potentiellement 1,7 milliard de personnes dans le monde. »

La plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud et les services de base de Luxcore permettront à l’infrastructure de données mondiale de SOAD de disposer de technologies dédiées de calcul, de stockage et de transport de données physiques et virtuelles pour soutenir le SOAD et son écosystème numérique à venir. Ces applications et services mondiaux comprennent :

  • Points d’accès au réseau Internet (NAP) à l’échelle mondiale (pour l’accès Internet à haut débit)
  • Application d’identification de citoyenneté SOAD
  • Passeports numériques SOAD
  • Portefeuille(s) numérique(s) mobile(s)
  • Accès aux services d’échange de cryptomonnaies centralisés et décentralisés
  • Accès aux plateformes de traitement des paiements et aux services de règlement des transactions
  • Prise en charge des échanges marchands pour le commerce électronique et le commerce mobile
  • Développement futur de DApp et d’applications

« Luxcore est l’un des premiers fournisseurs de services de Cloud computing dont la plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud de base est intégrée verticalement, depuis nos processeurs de circuits intégrés photoniques, redéfinis comme la première couche, en passant par les couches réseau intégrées supérieures jusqu’à la pile d’applications qui offre une vitesse, une évolutivité et une sécurité améliorées pour les applications et les services numériques Web3 à venir », a déclaré Gerald Ramdeen, fondateur et président-directeur général de Luxcore, Inc.

Augmentation de capital pour faire évoluer la plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud

En retour des marchés de capitaux privés, Luxcore a annoncé une augmentation de capital pour faire passer sa plateforme d’infrastructure de données Cloud de 2 millions d’abonnements mensuels moyens (« MAU ») et 2000 transactions simultanées par seconde aujourd’hui à 50 millions de MAU mondiaux, en utilisant ses services de tokenisation d’identité numérique et de portefeuille numérique à des performances et des vitesses de transaction plus élevées. En tant que transaction sur le marché secondaire privé, les investisseurs institutionnels accrédités intéressés peuvent trouver plus d’informations sur le site Web de la société et sa salle de données électroniques, facilitée par Nasdaq Private Market.

Luxcore, Inc. est depuis longtemps un pionnier des technologies de semi-conducteurs optiques et de commutation optique avec ses marques déposées LambaRouter™ et LambdaXchange™ (son architecture réseau décentralisée), les positionnant de manière unique pour introduire un modèle d’infrastructure de données Cloud émergent.

À propos de Luxcore, Inc.

Luxcore est un fournisseur d’infrastructure de données Cloud de nouvelle génération en phase de démarrage. Depuis 2001, nous sommes un leader de l’innovation dans les technologies de routage, de commutation et de transport tout optique de circuits intégrés photoniques et de routage optique. En commençant par notre système LambdaRouter™ primé de routage, de commutation et de transport optique de base, la société conçoit le LambdaRouter G7 : un système de routage, de commutation et de transport optique de base encore plus radical alimenté par un processeur multicœur quantique propriétaire entièrement photonique. Luxcore introduit un modèle commercial d’infrastructure de données Cloud innovant et différent pour le provisionnement automatisé des ressources de transport de données, de stockage de données et de calcul de données dans un réseau ouvert et décentralisé de points d’échange optique (OIX) provisionnés du cœur à la périphérie dans le datacenter. L’architecture réseau décentralisée LambdaXchange™ (LXE DeNA) offrira une vitesse, une évolutivité, une sécurité et une disponibilité sans précédent pour prendre en charge les écosystèmes d’échange d’actifs numériques et Web3 les plus avancés au monde. Nous sommes Luxcore, les architectes du prochain Internet pour l’avenir de la finance, du commerce, de la mobilité et du métavers.

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Luxcore, Inc. Announces Production Release of LambdaXchange™ Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform

– Signs 3-year exclusive agreement with the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) to provide cloud data infrastructure platform, products, and services

– LambdaXchange™ will support SOAD’s digital mobile banking services, central bank digital currencies, derivative cryptocurrencies and exchanges, mobile and e-commerce services to their potential global market of 1.7 billion people

– Company to access private capital markets to further scale cloud data infrastructure platform

ATLANTA, Feb. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Luxcore, Inc., an early-stage cloud data infrastructure provider, announced today the production release of its LambdaXchange™ cloud data infrastructure platform, an AI-enabled distributed ledger technology platform for the intelligent routing, switching and transport of data with exchange points in Miami, Dallas and Atlanta.


In conjunction with this initial production release, on January 8, 2022, Luxcore signed its first multinational enterprise customer with the Government of the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD). SOAD is a Treaty Member of the Economic Community of States, Nations, Territories and Realms of the 6th Region of Africa. Through this exclusive three-year agreement, Luxcore will provide its LambdaXchange™ cloud data infrastructure platform, products, and services in support of digital mobile banking services, central bank digital currencies, derivative cryptocurrencies and exchanges, mobile and e-commerce services to SOAD’s global market of potentially 1.7 billion people.

“Our Parliament recently passed a law establishing our Code of Nationality and Citizenship: thus, the African Diaspora and also the Africans on the continent shall be eligible for SOAD’s digital ID,” said Dr Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister of SOAD. The ID Card will function as a Multi-Card. This historic initiative will provide digital services such as giving access to elections, our education system, banking and crypto services, e-commerce and more. We are excited to partner with Luxcore as our exclusive cloud services technology provider to help SOAD fulfil its goals and to enhance the lives of potentially 1.7 billion people globally.”

Luxcore’s Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform and core services will enable SOAD’s Global Data Infrastructure with dedicated physical and virtual data computing, storage, and transport technologies to support the SOAD and its forthcoming digital ecosystem. These worldwide applications and services include:

  • Internet Network Access Points (NAPs) globally (for broadband Internet access)
  • SOAD Citizenship ID App
  • SOAD Digital Passports
  • Mobile Digital Wallet(s)
  • Access to Centralized and Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange services
  • Access to payments-processing platforms and transaction settlement services
  • Support for Merchant Exchanges for e-commerce and m-commerce
  • Future DApp and App Development

“Luxcore is one of the first cloud computing service providers whose core cloud data infrastructure platform is vertically integrated, from our photonic integrated circuit processors, redefined as layer one, through the higher integrated network layers to the application stack, which provides enhanced speed, scalability, and security for future Web3 digital apps and services,” said Gerald Ramdeen, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Luxcore, Inc.

Capital Raise to Scale Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform

In a return to the private capital markets, Luxcore has announced a capital raise to scale its cloud data infrastructure platform from supporting 2 million Monthly Average User (“MAU”) subscriptions and 2,000 concurrent transactions per second today to 50 million global MAU’s, using its digital ID tokenization and digital wallet services at higher performance and transaction speeds. As a private secondary market transaction, interested accredited, institutional investors can find more information on the Company’s website and its electronic data room, facilitated by Nasdaq Private Market.

Luxcore, Inc. has long been a pioneer of optical semiconductor and optical switching technologies with their trademarked LambaRouter™ and LambdaXchange™ Decentralized Network Architecture, uniquely positioning them to introduce an emerging cloud data infrastructure model.

About Luxcore, Inc.

Luxcore is an early-stage, next-generation cloud data infrastructure provider. Since 2001, we have been a leading innovator in all-optical, photonic integrated circuit and optical routing, switching and transport technologies. Starting with our award-winning LambdaRouter™, a core optical routing, switching and transport system, the Company is designing the LambdaRouter G7 – an even more radical core optical routing, switching and transport system powered by a proprietary quantum multicore all-photonic processor. Luxcore is introducing an innovative, different cloud data infrastructure business model for the automated, provisioning of data transport, data storage and data computing resources in an open, decentralized network of edge-to-core Data Center provisioned Optical Exchange Points (OIX’s). The LambdaXchange™ Decentralized Network Architecture (LXE DeNA) will provide unprecedented speed, scalability, security, and availability to support the world’s most advanced Web3 and digital asset exchange ecosystems. We are Luxcore – Architects of the next Internet for the future of Finance, Commerce, Mobility and the Metaverse.

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LeddarTech Announces 140 Million USD in Series D Financing Combined With Debt Facility

The latest financing supports LeddarTech’s accelerated growth and development efforts for its unique proprietary sensor fusion and perception automotive solutions.

QUEBEC CITY, Feb. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, a global leader in providing the most flexible, robust and accurate ADAS and AD sensing technology, is pleased to announce a successful financing round with an investment of US$ 140M, which comprises a Series D first close of US$ 116M and debt facility of US$ 24M.

FS Investors led the financing round with the participation of Investissement Québec, BDC Capital, Go Capital, certain funds managed by Fidelity Investments Canada ULC, Fonds de solidarité FTQ, Export Development Canada, ams OSRAM, Desjardins Capital, UI Investissement, Cowen Investment II LLC and other LeddarTech management. The debt facility was secured with Desjardins Group.

This investment will accelerate the development and commercialization of LeddarTech solutions. In addition, LeddarTech will use the funds to augment engineering resources to meet the demands from global OEM and Tier 1-2 automotive customers actively engaged with the company for sensor fusion and perception sensing solutions.

“Our decision to partner with LeddarTech began with our introduction to the corporate senior management team. Individually, the senior team possess decades of experience in the technology industry. In addition, many have worked with major global automotive and sensing technology companies,” stated Nick Stone, founder and partner of FS Investors. “An extensive due diligence process coupled with strong customer validation confirmed that LeddarTech’s unique solution is the best positioned in the market to unlock mass adoption of ADAS and AD by breaking typical software dependency on hardware in sensing,” according to Mr. Stone, concluding that: “The LeddarTech solution, called LeddarVision™, provides customers with the flexibility to quickly scale across vehicle models and deliver faster to market with greater performance at a lower cost.”

“The success of this round is a testament to the growth and industry recognition LeddarTech has achieved. I am delighted to welcome FS Investors as our most recent investors, who bring vast experience and expertise in the deep tech sector,” stated Charles Boulanger, CEO of LeddarTech. “I was impressed by the quality and thoroughness of their due diligence and their exceptional understanding of the ADAS and AD market, which confirms the value of our unique software solution. Our team and I look forward to working with FS Investors, our other new investors and our existing partners to enable our customers to significantly deploy our reliable and cost-effective ADAS and AD solutions across their brands and markets,” Mr. Boulanger concluded.

Cowen and Desjardins Capital Markets acted as co-advisors in this investment round.

About LeddarTech

Founded in 2007, LeddarTech has evolved to become a comprehensive end-to-end environmental sensing company by enabling customers to solve critical sensing, fusion and perception challenges across the entire value chain. The company offers cost-effective and scalable solutions such as LeddarVision™, a raw-data sensor fusion and perception platform that generates a comprehensive 3D environmental model with multi-sensor configurations to support Level 2+ to Level 5 full autonomy. It is scalable to support all vehicle automation levels. In addition, LeddarTech supports LiDAR makers and Tier 1-2 automotive system integrators with LeddarSteer™, a digital beam steering device, and the LiDAR XLRator development solution for automotive-grade solid-state LiDAR development based on the LeddarEngine™ and core components from global semiconductor partners. The company is responsible for several innovations in cutting-edge automotive and mobility remote-sensing applications, with over 100 patented technologies (granted or pending) enhancing ADAS and autonomous driving capabilities.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President of Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, LeddarEcho, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.