Cascades/CRD: A satisfactory mid-term review despite the security situation

The Regional Directorate of Economy and Planning of the Cascades held on Thursday, August 10, 2023 in Banfora, its second session of the year 2023 of the Regional Framework for Dialogue (CRD) on the mid-term review -course whose results are satisfactory, despite the difficult security context of the country.

The second session is part of the regional mid-term review of the national development policy, devoted to the adoption of the regional performance report of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) .

It emerged that as of June 30, 2023, the implementation of the action plan for the stabilization and development of the Cascades region covered 98 products, of which 12 have been fully achieved, 31 partially achieved and 55 have not been achieved. not been started.

The average rate of physical execution of works is estimated at 19.31%. On the financial level, out of an annual program of 13,179,979,832 FCFA, an amount of 3,973,913,590 FCFA was executed as of June 30, 2023, i.e. a financial execution rate of 30.15%.

The main results obtained are, among others, the construction of buildings for the benefit of the gendarmerie and the national police, the provision of 491.02 tonnes of improved cereal and market garden seeds and 1,032 tonnes of fertilizer for the benefit of vulnerable people including those internally displaced.

The exchanges also include the construction of 29 street shops and central market halls, 2 maternity wards, 7 classrooms and the acquisition of 370 bench tables.

Added to all this is the construction of 3 boreholes and a PEA, the development of 71.09 ha of lowlands, and 17 ha of market gardening perimeters.

For the Governor of the Cascades, Colonel Jean-Charles Somé, the results obtained, although unsatisfactory on the whole, are encouraging, given the very difficult context that the country in general and the region of the Cascades in particular are experiencing.

He praised the commitment and the enormous efforts made by the actors in the accomplishment of their missions for the benefit of the populations.

As for the Regional Director of Economy and Planning of the Cascades, Abdoulaye KI, he expressed his gratitude to the actors of his region for their mobilization in this regional consultation framework.

Mr. Ki also mentioned some difficulties encountered in the preparation of the report.

He cited, among other things, the non-respect of the data transmission deadline by most of the structures, the transmission of incomplete data or the non-transmission of data or badly informed outlines by certain structures.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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