Call for Application: Training for Journalists on ICJ by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Are you a journalist based in Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone with an interest in covering international criminal justice, the Courts, Human rights and Anti-corruption issues?

The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) is inviting interested candidates to apply for a Two-day Virtual training on the international criminal justice system. The training is being organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs under its Digital Influentials Program on International Order.

 1.0 Objective of the training

  • To educate and enhance journalists’ knowledge on the rule of law, International (Criminal) Justice, and the role of the Netherland-based institutions like the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • To educate journalist to gain a better understanding of how the ICJ and other tribunals in the Netherland function in delivering justice.

2.0 Duration and Specific Dates

  • Tuesday & Wednesday – June 29 &30, 2021 

2.1 Methodology

 The training will be VIRTUAL (online).

Selected journalists will participate in a two-hour Webinar each day.

  • Day 1: Monday, June 28 – Preparation Session – 9am to 10am GMT (1 hour)
  • Day 2: Tuesday June 29 – Training Day 1 – 9am to 11am GMT (2 hours)
  • Day 3: Tuesday June 30 – Training Day 2 – 9am to 11am GMT (2 hours)

The training will comprise interactive presentations from seasoned professionals of the International Court of Justice sourced from the Netherlands, breakout sessions, and plenary discussions 

2.2 Data Cost and Training Certificates

  • Each participant will receive some modest support to cover data cost for participating in the Webinars.
  • Participants will also receive certificate of participation.

2.3 Participant Eligibility

Interested applicants should be West African journalists based in francophone West Africa countries (Ghana, Nigeria, The Gambia, Sierra Leone and Liberia) with an interest in international (criminal) Justice Reporting, Court reporting, Human rights reporting and Anti-corruption reporting. A total of 15 influential journalists will be selected.

3.0 Additional Background on the Training:

In 1946, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began operations as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The Court was established to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes between States submitted to it, and, to give advisory opinions on legal matters referred to it by duly authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.

This year the ICJ is celebrating its 75th anniversary, and as part of the celebration activities, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organizing a digital Influential Program for journalists to gain a better understanding of how the ICJ and other tribunals in the Netherland function in delivering justice.

4.0 Mode of Application:

Interested journalists should submit a one pager Write-Up to the MFWA. This should focus on highlighting a Brief profile of the journalist (not more than 150 words) and Reasons (not more than 150 words) why he or she should be considered.

Email the Write-up to the following Contact Persons:

Abigail Larbi at Abigail[@] and Rachad Samari Bani at rachad[@]

With the subject: Virtual Training on International Criminal Justice.

Deadline for submission of Interest: Wednesday, June 2, 2021.