Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo Advocates for Strengthening Data Privacy Culture

KISUMU – Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo emphasized the critical importance of fostering a culture of data privacy to mitigate risks such as identity theft, financial loss, and reputational damage. Speaking at the Data Privacy Day commemoration held at Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu, Owalo highlighted the necessity of prioritizing data privacy for protecting personal information’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

According to Kenya News Agency, establishing strong data privacy protocols is essential not only for compliance with legal frameworks but also for building consumer and stakeholder trust. The event, attended by prominent figures including the Data Protection Commissioner, Emmaculate Kasait, Media Council of Kenya CEO, David Omwoyo, and representatives from various governmental and international organizations, served as a platform to discuss the importance of data privacy in today’s digital age.

Owalo pointed out the urgency of embedding a data privacy culture within organizations and the government to navigate the complexities of data-driven progress. He argued that this is imperative for ensuring a secure, ethical business environment and for safeguarding individual rights. The Cabinet Secretary advocated for a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders to address the challenges associated with data privacy.

The commemoration also focused on the broader implications of data privacy for societal trust, transparency, and individual empowerment. Owalo called for enhanced compliance with Data Protection Laws across all sectors and recommended integrating data privacy and digital literacy into school curricula to prepare future generations.

Furthermore, Owalo revealed that the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner has conducted data protection training in collaboration with the Kenya School of Government, targeting staff from both the County and National Governments. He stressed the role of the Data Protection Commissioner’s office in achieving strategic goals related to the Government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda and the Digital Superhighway Transformation.

The Cabinet Secretary also marked the launch of the ODPC Regional Offices in Kisumu, following openings in Nakuru and Mombasa, as a significant step towards national data protection. Additionally, the introduction of a ChatBot was announced to improve accessibility and user experience regarding data privacy information.

Owalo’s address concluded with a call to action for stakeholders to leverage Data Privacy Day as a catalyst for change, urging a collective effort to protect the rights and privacy of citizens in the digital era.

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