Burkinabè Press Highlights Nigerien President’s Visit, FILO, and New Gold Refinery

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – The Burkinabè newspapers on Friday extensively covered the visit of Nigerien President Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani to Burkina Faso, the inauguration of the 17th edition of the International Book Fair of Ouagadougou (FILO), and the groundbreaking ceremony for a new gold refinery in Ouagadougou.

According to Burkina Information Agency, “LObservateur Paalga,” the dean of Burkinabè private newspapers, headlined the construction of Burkina Faso’s national gold refinery. The facility, initiated by the Burkinabè head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, in Ouagadougou, is expected to emerge on a 5-hectare site and will have a production capacity of 400 kg or 150 tons of gold annually.

The private newspaper “Le Pays” reported that the refinery, located in Ouaga 2000 in district no. 12 of the Burkinabe capital, aims to reduce the export of raw gold, add value to gold production, and create employment opportunities for the youth.

On the topic of international relations, the private newspaper “LExpress du Faso,” published in Bobo-Dioulasso, covered the arrival of the Nigerien head of state in Burkina Faso for a friendship and working visit. The public newspaper “Sidwaya” noted that General Tiani was received with full honors by Captain Ibrahim Traoré upon his arrival in Ouagadougou.

Furthermore, “Le Pays” highlighted the working session between the two heads of state, while “L’Observateur Paalga” remarked that this visit marked General Tiani’s first official outing since assuming power.

The 17th edition of FILO was another key topic in the Burkinabè press. The public newspaper “Sidwaya” focused on the theme of this year’s fair, “Digital technology, an opportunity,” and reported on the opening ceremony officiated by the Minister of Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo. “L’Observateur Paalga” emphasized that the fair, scheduled from November 23 to 26, 2023, aims to explore digital opportunities for the development of the book industry in Burkina Faso.

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