Burkinabè Government Aims to Enhance National Information Agency

Ouagadougou – The government of Burkina Faso is determined to transform the Burkina Information Agency (AIB) into a more robust institution. Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the Minister of Communication, conveyed the government’s commitment to upgrading the agency’s role in the nation’s media landscape during his visit to the AIB offices on Monday. This visit coincided with the sixth anniversary celebrations of the agency.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the AIB is envisioned to become a primary wholesaler of information and a pivotal element in Burkina Faso’s communication strategy. He emphasized that the State’s highest authorities maintain a comprehensive vision for the agency’s future. Over the next decade, the government plans to equip the AIB with improved facilities and the resources needed to fulfill its expanded role effectively. The Minister also lauded the agency’s personnel for their significant daily contributions and encouraged them to persevere despite challenges.

Minister Ouédraogo further highlighted the importance of the AIB in the broader context of global media dynamics, particularly in the realm of communication warfare. He urged AIB staff to support the nation’s fighting forces by promoting their achievements and to remain discerning in their response to criticism.

The AIB, initially established as the Voltaic Press Agency in 1964, underwent a significant transformation in 1999 when it merged with the daily Sidwaya to form Editions Sidwaya. The agency continues to evolve, strengthening its position within Burkina Faso’s information sector under the current governmental initiatives.

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