Burkinabe Army Aerial Vectors Thwart Terrorist Ambush in Touka, Sahel Region

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – The aerial vectors of the Burkinabe army successfully countered a terrorist ambush aimed at a convoy returning from Arbinda this Thursday, October 26, 2023.

According to a new release by the Burkina Information Agency, dozens of terrorists had taken positions around Touka on the Arbinda-Dori axis with the intention of attacking the convoy, which had just provided vital supplies to the populations in Arbinda.

The terrorists were in the midst of preparations under a tree when they were caught off guard by the aerial vectors. The ensuing strikes significantly diminished the terrorist group, destroying many terrorists along with their logistics. Following the initial strikes, the aerial vectors pursued survivors who were carrying wounded individuals and took cover under a large tree. However, their attempts at evasion proved futile as combat helicopters successfully neutralized them.

According to sources, ongoing operations aim to restore peace and security throughout Burkina Faso.

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