Burkina/Ziou: seventy-two hours to magnify Nankana culture and crafts


The Tong-Bing-Beeré cooperative of young craftsmen from Guélwongo, in the rural town of Ziou, organized on April 27, 28 and 29, 2023 in the locality, the second edition of the Lang- Goubé, to promote the Nankana culture.

Initiated by the Tong-Bing-Beeré (let’s preserve our culture in French) cooperative of young craftsmen from Guélwongo, this second edition of the Lang-Goubé (let’s unite) festival is intended to be a platform for, on the one hand, mobilizing and raising awareness among communities. base in order to fight against the progressive loss of our cultural values and on the other hand, to organize popular festivities around the Nankana culture and to promote the woven loincloth and traditional Nankana attire.

Parades, exhibitions of artistic arts and traditional dances marked these 72 hours of festival in this locality located a stone’s throw from Ghana.

For the president of the Sia Alidou cooperative, this edition, beyond its festive aspect, is a framework for strengthening social cohesion between sons and daughters of the Nankana area.

It is also “a channel for the promotion of tourism, the contribution to the enhancement and sustainability of our cultural values through the exhibition of tourist arts, the woven loincloth and traditional clothes”, he said. .

He took the opportunity to outline some of the difficulties faced by craftsmen in the area.

Among other things, we note the difficulty of selling traditional clothes and woven loincloths often seized and considered as coming from Ghana, the non-recognition, at provincial and national level, of the certificates issued to learners and the lack of financial means for the installation. learners leading to the migration of some to Ghana.

Added to this is the lack of facilitation in the flow of traditional clothes and woven loincloths throughout the territory and the absence of a training center for craftsmen, built.

The sponsor of the day Aboubacar Lingani, while welcoming the cooperative for this initiative, justified his presence by his desire to support craftsmanship considered as an emerging sector, full of opportunity for young people.

He recognizes in this festival a framework for the promotion of social cohesion essential to the restoration of peace in Burkina Faso. The president of the special delegation of Ziou, Salam Marané who chaired the closing ceremony welcomed the great mobilization of the populations, expressed his satisfaction for this initiative.

For him, the enthusiasm of the populations around this activity shows the interest they give to culture in general and crafts in particular. He invited the sons and daughters of the province to accompany the initiative in order to perpetuate this activity which undoubtedly will contribute to the influence of the culture and the Nankana woven loincloth.

Personalities from the locality came to support and encourage the craftsmen of Guelwongo. The leaders of the cooperative gave a financial envelope to the president of the special delegation to support the war effort launched by the government of the transition.

During these 72 hours, Nankana artists and artistic ensembles performed a fashion show, an arts exhibition and traditional dances in a spirit of brotherhood.

Source: Burkina Information Agency