Burkina / War effort: the coordination of the women of Tiébéle in solidarity with the IDPs and the FDS

The fighting forces and the internally displaced persons of the municipality of Tiébélé benefited from donations in kind and in cash on April 18, 2023 from the municipal coordination of the women of Tiébélé.

The communal coordination of Tiébélé women, as part of its activities on March 8, had launched a call for contributions to support internally displaced persons and fighting forces. On April 18, 2023, the coordination officially handed over the donations collected to the authorities.

Chaired by the president of the special delegation of the municipality of Tiébélé Aimé Gué, the ceremony was attended by customary and religious authorities, representatives of internally displaced persons (IDPs), volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) and of security.

The donation consisting of food, clothing, kitchen utensils, soap and a sum of money was given to the authorities for VDPs and IDPs.

In total seven (07) bags of rice of 120 kg, two (02) bags of 100 kg of white sorghum, one (1) bag of 100 kg of corn, a bag of 50 kg of peanuts, a pot N ° 30 , a ladle, soap and an envelope of sixty-two thousand two hundred (62,200) CFA francs for VDPs.

And for internally displaced persons, eight (8) 100 kg bags of maize, two bags of rice, clothes and soap.

By this gesture, the communal coordination of women responds to the call of the highest authorities of Burkina to contribute to the war effort and to show solidarity with the IDPs.

The women’s coordinator Martine Achidiba Koutiangba took this opportunity to invite each daughter and son to show their solidarity and support for the internally displaced persons and the fighting forces.

The representative of internally displaced persons thanked the donors of the day. He expressed the wish that Burkina Faso finds peace and stability so that each of them finds their home and goes about their activities freely.

Wish supported by the representative of the VDP who says he is committed with his colleagues to fight to liberate the occupied areas. The prefect of Tiébélé, who presided over the ceremony, welcomed the coordination initiative.

He invited the other associations to support this chain of solidarity towards VDPs and IDPs who have been forced to leave their land. According to the social action services, the municipality of Tiébélé has so far registered around sixty IDPs.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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