Burkina: Trophies and scholarships for 20 students who excel in science subjects

10 students admitted to the Baccalaureate and 10 others to the BEPC and who excel in scientific subjects, received from the Impact Femme Association, trophies and annual scholarships (each) of 500,000 FCFA and of 200,000 FCFA , for a period of three years.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Read the full dispatch from the Prime Minister’s Office

Prize for academic excellence in scientific subjects: ‘Development requires that there be more promotion of science and technology’, Dr Ferdinand Ouédraogo

The Chief of Staff, representing the Prime Minister, Dr Ferdinand Ouédraogo, chaired on the evening of Friday September 29, 2023 in Ouagadougou, the night of excellence which rewards the best students in scientific disciplines. Organized by the Impact Femme association, the night of excellence is celebrated under the theme ‘Together towards scientific summits’.

The Impact Femme association held a night of excellence on Friday evening called ”the THOT AFRICA SCIENTIA awards” to reward 20 students, including
18 girls and 2 boys excelling in scientific subjects.

According to the president of Impact Femme, Kotima Rouamba, the THOT AFRICA SCIENTIA awards rewarded 20 students, ie 10 at the Brevet d’Etudes du Premier cycle (BEPC) and 10 at the Baccalauréat. These winners are chosen from among students admitted to the Baccalaureate exams and the BEPC, with at least a general average of 16/20 and a score of 18/20 in the scientific disciplines which are: mathematics, physics-chemistry and science of life and the earth.

The winners in the BEPC category each received a trophy and an annual grant of 200,000 FCFA for three years. As for the Baccalaureate winners, each receives an annual scholarship of 500,000 FCFA for three years and a trophy.

‘It’s a very good initiative, because for a very long time, we have been lagging behind in science and technology and this lag still persists. This is due to the fact that we do not train enough in scientific and technical fields and the case of women is even harder,’ declared the D
irector of the Cabinet, representing the Prime Minister, Dr Ferdinand Ouédraogo.

He said he encouraged the promoter so that she could further celebrate this initiative which will improve the performance of the education system and impact the development of the country.

‘Without the promotion of science and technology, there is no development. Development requires that there be a lot of promotion of science and technology,’ he added.

Furthermore, Dr Ferdinand Ouédraogo hopes that the actions and reflections carried out as part of the celebration of the THOT AFRICA SCIENTIA prize will contribute to consolidating the paths already taken towards the objectives of the Transition in terms of quality education.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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