Burkina: Threat and corruption on the menu of Burkinabè dailies

This Thursday’s daily newspapers echo recurring threats against journalists and corruption at the General Directorate of Land and Maritime Transport.

“Corruption in the issuance of transport tickets: The DGTTM accuses users”, headlines the private newspaper Le Pays.

The newspaper informs that the current director general of the General Directorate of Land and Maritime Transport (DGTTM) and his staff hosted a press conference on March 29 in Ouagadougou.

The objective of the said press briefing was to enlighten public opinion on the recent decisions taken by the Minister of Transport, Urban Mobility and Road Safety, to relocate the reception desks for registration and delivery files new gray cards in Ouaga 2000.

The press conference also aimed to provide details on the official rates for DGTTM services and to discuss the inconvenience caused by the use of anarchically transformed vehicles and non-standard vehicles that circulate everywhere in the city and on the national territory.

On the same subject, the private newspaper Le Quotidien has on its headline “Corruption at the DGTTM: Users complicit in abnormal practices”.

From another angle, “Recurring threats against journalists: The CSC calls for more tolerance and social responsibility”, headlines the oldest private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, on its front page.

The daily reports that the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) notes with regret the recurrence of threats made against press organs and media actors in the exercise of their profession.

Faced with this situation, the CSC calls on citizens to show tolerance, moderation and restraint and urges the state administrative authorities to take the appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the media and journalists in the exercise of their profession. .

On the same subject, the private newspaper Le Pays has on its headline “Political transition in Burkina: The CSC asks the State to ensure the safety of journalists”.

The newspaper indicates that following the threats made against journalists and press organs, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), in a press release, condemns hate messages and asks the State to ensure the safety of journalists and medias.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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