Burkina: The youth of the Center advocates a real union to fight against terrorism

The youth of the Center region celebrated on Saturday August 19, 2023 in Komsilga, the regional international youth day, during which they advocated a true union of all young Burkinabè with a view to to fight terrorism effectively.

“We are young and we must assume our present and our future because the history of tomorrow will be written in the ink of our actions. This is why I appeal to the sense of our patriotism, our tolerance and our solidarity to fight against terrorism and build a society of peace”, declared the president of the youth of the Center, Djibril Bamogo.

According to him, this day is far from being a festive day, it must be guided by a deep reflection on the role of youth in the development process and their dynamism in the reconquest of the territory.

“The youth has made a commitment to contribute to the fight against terrorism through awareness-raising and awareness campaigns because the country belongs to us and there will be no peace if we do not wage this war in union. “, he added.

Djibril Bamogo was speaking on Saturday, August 19, 2023 in Komsilga during the celebration of the International Youth Day of Burkina Faso which saw the presence of the governor of the center, Dr Abdoulaye Bassinga placed under the theme: “strengthening of employability of young people living in rural areas and the fight against insecurity in Burkina Faso”.

“Our country is facing a multidimensional crisis, namely security, humanitarian where young people can be recruited willingly or by force through these terrorist groups”, lamented the governor of the center, Dr. Abdoulaye Bassinga.

For him, this day is a favorable framework to make reflections, to formulate recommendations in order to reinforce the employability of the young people because this youth is a privileged target of the armed groups.

For his part, the sponsor and also the founding director of EMPRINT Professional School, Ahmed Kadiogo believes that if terrorism is combated by training young people in rural areas in terms of employment and the search for opportunities, “there is there is a strong chance that we can defeat him”.

“This day is an opportunity to make recommendations to increase the employability of young people because they are an important link for the development of our country”, he concluded.

For his part, Mr. Idrissa Ilboudo, co-sponsor of the present day, urged young people to union, because without union, nothing can be achieved.

According to him, it is essential that young people come together in order to effectively lead discussions and find appropriate solutions for the development of Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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