Burkina: The Prime Minister gives a master class on democracy

Democracy exists everywhere and has always existed, but it is plural, specific to each people and should not be imposed universally, Burkina Faso Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla detailed on Monday.

“In the sub-region you noticed that there was a coup d’état in Niger which caused a lot of turmoil. And, in the name of democracy, some are ready to fight a battle to put the deposed president in his place.

I would like to say one thing: when we talk about democracy, we must not be fooled. There are some who are abused in good faith. It is for these that I speak because there are others in bad faith and he only speaks of democracy to seek to abuse others to achieve their ends.

All societies have lived in democracy. Since humans formed the first family unit, democracy has been there.

In your homes, if there is no democracy, the home will break up. If you manage your homes in an undemocratic way, your spouse will no longer respect you, your children will no longer respect you. So democracy exists from the family unit.

In societies, whether in villages, chiefdoms, kingdoms, they are constituted on the basis of democracy. You cannot be village chief if you do not have the consent of your subjects.

You cannot be a monarch if you do not have the consent of your subjects.

Before colonial penetration, we had social organizations.

We lived in harmony because there was democracy. We knew why so-and-so was chosen to be leader, what his skills were and what his limitations were.

And the traditional chief did not do what he wanted. His reign was governed by customary rules that everyone knew and that is democracy.

Now, what they want us to believe is that there is only one form of democracy in the world and that everyone must move towards that democracy. That’s false!

Even those who try to make us believe it, they have several forms of democracies.

France is a Republic, the United Kingdom is a Monarchy. Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium are Monarchies. The United States of America is a Republic and organized differently from France. Germany is a Republic and organized differently from France.

Why shouldn’t we have the right to organize ourselves as we want? Why is it up to someone else to come and tell us how we should organize ourselves?

Don’t get caught in the trap.

Those who talk loudly about democracy, some are deceived. But most are local lackeys of imperialism who want to rely on that to destabilize the regimes for their purposes.”

These remarks were made on the morning of Monday September 4, 2023 by the Burkinabè Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, at the Prime Minister’s Office, after the rise of colors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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