Burkina: The government sets up skills and support offices for the benefit of students

The government of the Burkinabe Transition indicated Thursday that it has set up a system called the Skills and Support Offices (BCA), intended to support students in the construction and the realization of their professional or employment projects.

According to the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment, Dr Aboubacar Sawadogo, the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré launched on May 26 in Fada N’Gourma, the installation of offices of the Agency National Employment Agency (ANPE) within the public universities of Burkina Faso.

Dr Sawadogo clarified that this initiative of President Traoré, through the Skills and Support Offices (BCA) aims to support students in the construction and realization of their professional or employment projects.

The Minister in charge of Employment explained that the idea of setting up the BCAs was born of observations and exchanges between the Head of State, the students and teachers of the Josep Ki-Zerbo University, the January 17, 2023.

For him, the BCAs will be premises or spaces that will be made available to the ANPE by the university in which the students are located.

Aboubacar Sawadogo underlined that this device will make it possible to evaluate the students and to redirect them, so that they can learn a trade and fit “with dignity” and “quickly” into the world of work.

According to Dr. Sawadogo, three stages are to be observed in access to the BCA.

This is a first phase which consists of diagnosing or collecting the needs of the student, and a second phase relating to the possibilities offered to him on the job market.

As for the third phase, it relates to the description of the course of the student in his desired field.

“We are going to have employment and training advisers. These advisers will have the task of voluntarily welcoming students who wish to take stock of their course, ”said the Minister of Employment.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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