Burkina: The government has invested 21 billion FCFA in feeding the internally displaced (minister)

The Minister in charge of Humanitarian Action, Nandy Somé/Diallo indicated Thursday that the government has invested 21 billion CFA francs in food assistance for internally displaced persons (IDPs). ), in the face of terrorist abuses in Burkina Faso .

According to the Minister of National Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Gender and Family, Nandy Somé/Diallo, the government has injected several billion CFA francs into the care of internally displaced persons ( IDPs) in Burkina Faso.

According to her, 21 billion FCFA have been invested in food assistance for IDPs, in the face of exactions by terrorist groups in the country.

Ms. Somé was Thursday in Ouagadougou in front of journalists for an exercise in accountability of public governance.

The Minister in charge of Humanitarian Action revealed that shelters for IDPs cost the State the sum of 630 million FCFA, household items 402 million FCFA and 4 billion FCFA for monetary transfers.

“If we make the sum, that brings us to nearly 5 billion FCFA that the State has already disbursed for the support of internally displaced persons”, she argued.

Nandy Somé/Diallo said that the Transition is concerned about the situation in the country and remains very sensitive to the issue of taking care of internally displaced brothers and sisters and host communities.

For her, 21,494 tons of food were delivered by air and land to the populations of several localities in Burkina.

In his opinion, the authorities have also supported IDPs with Income Generating Activities (IGA), vocational training, off-season crops, agricultural inputs.

The Minister in charge of Humanitarian Action highlighted the rehabilitation of infrastructure, the contribution and the moral comfort of State solidarity towards displaced persons and host communities.

According to Ms. Somé, the outings of the government delegation to the different regions of the country enabled her to come to grips with the difficult living conditions of IDPs, in order to readjust their needs on the ground.

Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been plagued by terrorist attacks which have caused the death of hundreds of people, caused more than 2 million internally displaced persons and the closure of many schools and health establishments.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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