Burkina: The government examines two draft texts to improve the working environment

The Ministry in charge of the Public Service, began Wednesday, 48-hour exchanges with the Union Action Unit (UAS) and Burkinabè employers, in order to examine two draft texts, intended to improve the work environment in Burkina Faso.

According to the Director of Cabinet (DIRCAB) of the Minister in charge of the Public Service, Mohamed Savadogo, the holding of the Labor Advisory Commission (CCT) reflects the vitality and dynamism that exist between the government, the trade unions and the Burkinabè employers.

For him, the two draft texts, namely the draft decree on the working conditions of workers in professions and branches of activity not governed by a collective agreement and that of the joint order appointing assessors of the courts of the work, will be examined over two days.

Mr. Savadogo was speaking on Wednesday in Ouagadougou, during the opening ceremony of the first ordinary session of the Labor Advisory Committee (CCT) for the year 2023.

The director of cabinet of the Ministry in charge of Labor specified that the first text, since its adoption in 2010, has been the subject of recriminations from labor law practitioners and social partners.

Mr. Savadogo explained that this is linked to the inequity of the job classification grid and the absence of a salary grid.

According to him, the second text will be examined to avoid a paralysis of the labor courts in Burkina Faso.

He said that the government in collaboration with the International Labor Office (ILO) has started the rereading of the two texts for the happiness of the populations.

For the representative of the president of the union federations of the month, Marcel Zanté, the exchanges will make it possible to improve the living and working conditions of the workers.

For Mr. Zanté, the meeting consists in putting in place texts to regulate part of the working environment in Burkina Faso.

According to the representative of the National Council of Burkinabè employers, Simon Sanou, the holding of the CCT takes place in a difficult security context, where the country needs the support of all its daughters and sons.

“We need more than ever to sit down, to dialogue, to discuss all concerns, especially those of the world of work, in order to build peace and social cohesion together,” he said.

Mr. Sanou pointed out that the State, through the examination of the two texts, ensures the continuous improvement of the legal instruments and institutions which govern the world of work.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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