Burkina: The former avenue Charles de Gaulle officially named Boulevard Thomas Sankara

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 36th anniversary of the assassination of the father of the revolution of August 1983, the former avenue Charles de Gaulle was officially named B oulevard Thomas Sankara by the president of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré this Sunday, October 15, 2023 in Ouagadougou.

The inauguration was preceded by the reading of the decree which renamed the now former avenue Charles de Gaulle to Boulevard Thomas Sankara by the president of the Special Delegation (PDS) of Ouagadougou, Maurice Konaté.

On the occasion, the Minister of State, Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, on behalf of the Head of State, congratulated the Sankara family and other victim families, for their ‘patience, their self-sacrifice and their wisdom, the spirit of sacrifice and consideration that they have had towards the Burkinabè people’ since ‘the fateful date of October 15, 1987’.

The minister praised the fight of all Burkinabè patriots and elsewhere whic
h made it possible to achieve this day of Sunday October 15, 2023 marked by the taking of strong measures by Captain-President Ibrahim Traoré for the memory of President Thomas Sankara and his 12 companions in misfortune.

To the executioners of President Thomas Sankara, Minister Bazié indicated that ‘it is not enough to kill only a person who carries the aspirations of a people’.

‘If you kill the person, regardless of how he is treated, once the person has already taken up residence in the minds and hearts of the valiant people, then this worthy son will live forever,’ he said. he asserted.

Bassolma Bazié launched ‘an appeal to all young people to mobilize so that there is not a second fateful day like that (of October 15, 1987) which was very painful’.

‘This youth must remain standing and constitute the shield of those who took their courage in both hands so that the people are led to victory,’ he recommended.

Alongside the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fath
erland (VDP) who are on all fronts to lead the people to victory, Minister Bazié invited the people to remain mobilized around them and he wished ‘a good rest to all the compatriots who fell on the battlefields’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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