Burkina: the Forces Vives recommend the criminalization of homosexuality


The Forces vives de la Nation Burkinabè have recommended the criminalization of homosexuality, according to the consultation report presented yesterday to the Transitional Legislative Assembly.

The Forces Vives of Burkina Faso came together in mid-June to propose socio-political and economic reforms to guide the country.

Of the 25 proposals, we retain, among others, the ban on homosexual practice and its criminalization by law, in order to “fight against sexual deviance, deter and prevent the spread of these phenomena contrary to morals, to religious realities and traditional aspects of Burkinabè society,” notes the daily Sidwaya, in its online version.

At the current stage, marriage between two people of the same sex is not authorized in Burkina Faso, but the practice of homosexuality is not clearly prohibited.

Source: Burkina Information Agency