Burkina: The discharge of deputies for sending a contingent to Niger monopolizes the front pages of the newspapers

The Burkinabè newspapers this Wednesday cover national news marked mainly by the vote, the day before, in the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), of the law authorizing Burkina Faso to send a military contingent to the Republic of Niger.

The national daily Sidwaya reads on its front page: “Sending a military contingent to Niger: MPs give the green light”.

The newspaper reports that the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT), during its plenary session on Tuesday September 19, 2023 in the hemicycle, adopted four bills including, that authorizing the sending of a military contingent Burkinabè in the Republic of Niger.

On this subject, the private newspaper Le Quotidien displays: “Sending a Burkinabè military contingent to Niger: the national representation gives its discharge”, where Le Pays, another private daily, mentions: “The ALT gives its green light” .

As for L’Observateur Paalga, the oldest of Burkina Faso’s private dailies, its headline reads: “Sending a Burkinabè contingent to Niger: MPs open the way.”

“Discharge from the Burkinabè parliament for sending an expeditionary force to Niger: Because it’s Niamey, because it’s Ouaga! », headlines, for its part, the private daily Today in Faso which devotes its editorial to this news.

The newspaper recalls that “announced with great media coverage, repeated like a mantra by Captain IB (Ibrahim Traoré, president of the Transition, Editor’s note) and several of his close collaborators, military support for Niger has become a categorical imperative for the Burkina Faso.

In the opinion of the editorialist of Today in Faso, in terms of casuistry and many other considerations, some may find fault.

“It is a choice of a Transitional power, a military one in addition and which has opted to embrace change, even if it means breaking codes, repulsing, creating inextinguishable enmities, but the MPSR 2 seems to decide to do this. which he considers to be his duty, and beneficial for Burkina Faso,” he hastens to add.

And to conclude that “the Burkinabè will judge History, above all, the only master in fine, will pass its sentence without appeal and without repentance! “.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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