Burkina: The Danish Institute for Human Rights donates educational tools to the National Police School and the Police Academy

The Country Representative of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIDH) in Burkina Faso, Evariste Ouédraogo, presented Tuesday, in Ouagadougou, to the National Police School and the Academy of police, a set of human rights educational tools for the teaching of human rights at the level of the two schools.

“DIHR, through these different tools, wishes to first strengthen the knowledge of teachers or trainers in police schools, then that of their students and finally that of all police officers in Burkina Faso, especially those who could no longer return. to retrain in these schools,” said the Country Representative of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIDH/BF), Evariste Ouédraogo.

The Country Representative (IDDH/BF) spoke on Tuesday, in Ouagadougou, during a ceremony to hand over a set of human rights teaching tools to the National Police School and the Police Academy.

He specified that these achievements have been possible since 2020 thanks to the project “Support for the security forces of Burkina, Mali and Niger for the fight against impunity and the strengthening of their links with the populations” financed by the European Union. .

This set of educational tools in human rights is composed, among other things, of trainer’s manuals, notebooks and pocket guides for student non-commissioned officers, student commissioners and police officers.

According to him, the project led by DIHR in these 3 countries has made it possible here in Burkina Faso to strengthen the partnership with all the training centers and schools of the Police, Gendarmerie, Waters and Forests and the National Prison Security Guard (ENGSP).

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security (MATDS), Sié Edgard Sou, thanked the donors for these manuals and invited the beneficiaries to make good use of them.

Mr. Sou took the opportunity to congratulate the various DGs for their leadership at the head of these temples of knowledge which are the pride of Burkina.

The director general of the National School of Police, Oumarou Songné, thanked the partners for these working tools for the two schools because, according to him, the question of human rights is invited in all the missions of the police services.

“The usefulness here is to appropriate the content of these documents to make their missions more effective,” he said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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