Burkina: The 16th edition of SIAO was a total success (organizing committee)

The president of the national organization commission Fidel Ilboudo, said this Friday in Ouagadougou, that the 16th edition of the International Crafts Fair of Ouagadougou (SIAO), held from January 27 as of February 5, 2023, has been a complete success.

“I take this opportunity to congratulate all the members of the national organizing committee for having taken up the challenge of successfully organizing this event in order to allow our brave craftsmen to take advantage of the event in a socio-economic context. economic and security very difficult,” said the president of the organizing committee of the 16th edition of the International Crafts Fair of Ouagadougou (SIAO), Fidel Ilboudo.

Mr. Ilboudo was speaking this Friday during a press conference held in Ouagadougou. He said that the 16 edition of SIAO has shown the resilience of the people of Burkina Faso through the successful organization of this event. “This is proof that our dear homeland is still standing and frequentable,” he said.

The president of the organizing committee informed that the show was attended by 360,223 visitors, with media coverage by 697 journalists from 76 national and international media.

According to him, 638 booths were also occupied by 3,679 exhibitors and 101 spaces in the courtyard were rented by restaurateurs and for other related activities.

He reported that 24 prizes in cash and in kind worth 52,600,000 CFA francs were awarded to the winners by partners and sponsors.

“The Head of State’s Grand Prize, worth 3,000,000 CFA francs, was won by Burkina Faso while the Regions Prize, awarded by the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT) , worth 2,000,000 CFA francs was won by the Hauts-Bassins” noted.

The West African Development Bank (BOAD) sponsored a prize consisting of looms and yarns awarded to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the Center-North Region with a total value of 22,500,000 CFA francs.

The ECOWAS Investment and Development Bank (EBID) donated a small semi-mechanical weaving loom worth 1,500,000 CFA francs to the winner Mrs. Ki Fatimata from the Center Region.

The chairman of the organizing committee, Fidel Ilboudo reiterated, on behalf of the Government and people of Burkina Faso, the warmest thanks to all the partners who agreed to associate their images with this event through financial or material support. .

He also appealed to all the partners who have always believed in this African crafts organization, to always support the SIAO so that crafts can contribute to the development of our various African countries.

The 17th edition of SIAO will be held from October 25 to November 03, 2024 under the theme “African Crafts, Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment”

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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