Burkina: Students will be directed to the virtual university to relieve congestion on campuses (minister)


The Minister in charge of Higher Education Pr Ardjima Thiombiano, announced on Friday that students will be directed this year to the virtual university, in order to cope with the lack of infrastructure of reception.

“This year, we will orient a number of students at the virtual university level, ensuring that those students who will be oriented to this university, wherever they are, whether on campus, on digital spaces, at home, that they have the possibility of following the courses in real time”, indicated Pr Ardjima Thiombiano.

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation spoke to students on Friday afternoon at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.

According to Professor Thiombiano, a certain number of support measures are being taken so that the students who will be directed there can have easy access to the computer and the connection.

“This connectivity is in the execution phase. If things look good, we believe that by the end of this year, we will no longer be able to be on campus without being able to have access to the internet connection, ”promised the minister.

According to Pr Ardjima Thiombiano, nearly 2 billion are injected to rehabilitate the various laboratories but also certain infrastructures.

Source: Burkina Information Agency