Burkina: Souleymane Sanou of RTB Television is the super galian 2023

Souleymane Sanou of RTB Television was crowned Friday night in Ouagadougou, super galian 2023 with an average of 17.15/20. It was during the 26th edition of the awards ceremony for Burkinabè journalists (Galian).

The Super Galian 2023 was won by Souleymane Sanou from Radiodiffusion Télévision du Burkina with a score of 17.15/20 in the television/image creation and advertising section.

Super galian 2023 Souleymane Sanou (right) receiving his trophy from Minister of State Bassolma Bazié

He wins a trophy, a certificate and a check for 3 million CFA francs, one-year insurance offered by SUNU insurance, gadgets and an F3 villa offered by the Center de Gestion des Cités.

Souleymane Sanou also won the trophy for best image in the Television category.

Another villa was also offered to the Super Galian 2022, Liradan Philippe Ada, by the Galian organizing committee. The latter had not received a villa last year.

A total of 12 official prizes and 14 special prizes were awarded to journalists and media technicians. For the official prizes, this year, the “Galian Prize” is made up of a trophy, a certificate, a check for 1 million CFA francs, one-year insurance offered by SUNU insurance and gadgets.

Editions Sidwaya obtained four special prizes and an official prize during this 26 edition.

The special prizes are the prizes of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina (Thienon Boudayinga), of Coris Bank international (Kamélé Fayama) of the United Nations System through the WHO (Emil Segda) and of the Maison de l company (Kamélé Fayama).

The prize for best reportage in the written press category, genre: major reportage was won by Oumarou Rabo from Éditions Sidwaya

As for the official prize, the Common House won the prize for the best report in the written press category, genre: major report. The prizes are mainly composed of checks worth 1 million FCFA each, trophies, certificates of merit and gadgets.

The Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, chaired the 26th edition of the Nuit des Galian competition, this Friday, June 2, 2023 in Ouagadougou.

Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo

Placed under the patronage of the Minister of State, Minister of Public Service and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, this ceremony was attended by several other members of the government.

In his speech, Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo recalled the difficult security context before indicating that information management is a crucial issue and professionals in the field have an essential role to play in this war.

For him, professionalism and excellence in the practice of journalism are among the imperatives if we want to defeat the terrorist hydra.

Thus, he invited all Burkinabè, in particular media players, to question themselves both individually and collectively on the roles and responsibilities that are theirs in the dynamics of reconquering the territory.

The honorary president, Yacouba Traoré, meanwhile, thanked the Minister of Communication and the organizing committee for the honor given to him. He wanted to pay tribute to his elders, all those who contribute to training in the field of information and communication.

A tribute was also paid to the predecessors. To this end, Aboubacar Zida said Sidnaaba, Ben Idrissa Zoungrana and Zoumana Traoré received honorary Galians.

As a reminder, this 26th Galian Night was sponsored by the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso, Mahamadi Savadogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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