Burkina: Soon to launch a prize to promote science

The “Impact femme” association presented Tuesday to the Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Kyélèm de Tambèla, an award which aims to promote excellence in all scientific fields.

“Through the promotion of excellence in scientific fields, our association intends to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country”, declared the spokesperson for the association Impact femme Kotima Rouamba.

Kotima Rouamba spoke on August 1, 2023 when he left the audience with Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla.

The exchanges mainly focused on the organization soon of a prize that encourages excellence in scientific fields.

According to Ms. Rouamba, the Prime Minister appreciated the initiative and took the opportunity to share with them his experience for a better organization of the event.

“We can only thank him and give him blessings so that God accompanies him more so that he can fulfill with full success the task entrusted to him,” she concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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