Burkina/Sissili: A movement mobilizes the youth of Sissili for a day of sanitation at the CMA de Léo

The “France must leave” movement in collaboration with the youth movements and structures of the Sissili province in the South-West region organized a day of cleaning the center on Sunday, September 3, 2023. medical with surgical antenna (CMA) from Léo.

This activity initiated by the “France must leave” movement in collaboration with the youth movements and structures of the province aimed to clean up and rid the medical center with surgical antenna (CMA) of Léo of waste, garbage and weeds. in order to guarantee staff and users a healthy living environment.

The young people did not bargain for their membership in this CMA sanitation activity.

They were armed for the occasion with dabas, rakes, machetes and other accessories with the aim of making the hospital courtyard clean, free of weeds, waste and annoying rubbish for the benefit of the populations and workers of the CMA.

According to the organizers, this activity is also part of the appeal launched by the Head of State.

Indeed, according to them, Captain Ibrahim Traoré invited young people to take responsibility for community participation for the development of the country.

According to the president of the Sissili provincial youth council, Basile W Nabolé, the choice of the CMA to host this activity is justified by the fact that it is the place of convergence of the entire population in search of their health well-being. .

The chief medical officer of the Léo health district (MCD), Dr Aboubacary Abdou, welcomed this civic action by the young people of Léo.

“We were in need because there was a lot of grass in the CMA courtyard and we have no means of getting rid of it. This is how we made a plea to the youth structures of the city to help us clean up the place,” indicated the MCD.

According to him, this mobilization of young people around this activity demonstrates their commitment to working for the well-being of all and this “goes extremely straight to our hearts”.

“This action allows patients and workers at the CMA to be safe and protected from the risk of snake bites and scorpion stings,” he said.

He called on people of good will to complete the work already started.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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