Burkina/Sexuality: an association implements the “Father Burkimbila” approach in Kongoussi


The ZoodNooma Association for Development based in Kongoussi presented its new approach called “Father Burkimbila” to the various actors in its implementation who unanimously validated it on April 27 2023 in Kongoussi.

The implementation of the approach is supported by Pathfinder through the PREPARE-BURKINA project with funding from USAID.

The “Père Burkimbila” approach, which means a responsible father in French, aims, through exchanges and dialogue between dads and adolescents, to reverse the problem of early sexuality and early and unwanted pregnancies among adolescents in the province of Bam.

According to ZoodNooma program manager Barthelemy Savadogo, the objective of the approach is to bring parents into dialogue with their children on the subject of sexuality, which remains a taboo in the province.

“This is a project that will be implemented in Bam and particularly in the communes of Kongoussi, Sabcé, Rouko, Tikaré and Guibaré thanks to the technical and financial support of the PREPARE-BURKINA project led by the American NGO Pathfinder and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). For its experimentation, two villages are selected per municipality,” he explained.

Still according to Mr. Sawadogo, the implementation of the approach will last 6 months for an overall cost of approximately 62 million FCFA and its implementation in Bam will contribute to feeding the indicators of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene. as well as that of the PREPARE-BURKINA project in its overall objective which is to increase the use of quality health, family planning and nutrition services.

The secretary general of the province of Bam, Karim Ouédraogo who presided over the ceremony on behalf of the High Commissioner, congratulated the association ZoodNooma for having initiated this approach.

For him, families in Bam are facing an increase in the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies and the number of young boys who are sexually active at an early age.

This situation, according to the secretary general of the province, is very worrying for parents because it compromises the future of children despite their efforts to support their development through schooling and training.

“In view of all these realities, parents have requested external support in order to be able to properly assume their roles and responsibilities in order to promote responsible sexuality among adolescents and young people with the aim of reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies” noted the Secretary General before calling on the various players concerned to get involved in the successful implementation of the approach

Source: Burkina Information Agency