Burkina / Security: deregistered FDS contribute to the peace effort

The soldiers, gendarmes and police officers dismissed following the 2011 mutiny , on Tuesday in Ouagadougou handed over to the Minister in charge of the public service Bassolma Bazié, the sum of 127,000 FCFA as a contribution to the effort of peace, while seeking their reintegration into the ranks of the Defense and Security Forces, reported the Facebook page of the Ministry of Public Service.

According to the same source, Farma Tiéba and his comrades took the opportunity to seek the help of Minister Bassolma so that he pleads with the highest authorities so that they can join their brothers in arms engaged in the fight against terrorism.

“We expect from the rulers that a decree be issued in favor of the soldiers, gendarmes and police officers struck off in 2011 to allow us to go with our brothers who are still in the ranks to defend our nation,” said Mr. Tiéba.

“As for their plea to join the frontlines of the fight, Bassolma Bazié said to have taken good note and will faithfully report this grievance to whom it may concern”, concluded the same source.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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