Burkina: Safety, tourism and unsanitary conditions in slaughterhouses on the menu of Burkinabè dailies

This Friday’s Burkinabè dailies echo the fight against unsanitary conditions in slaughterhouses, the visit of the Minister of Security to the staffs and the promotion of Burkinabè tourism.

“Internal Security Force: Minister Zerbo’s round of immersion in the staffs”, headline poster, L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of private daily newspapers in Burkina Faso.

The newspaper informs that yesterday Thursday, August 24, 2023, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security (MATDS), Emile Zerbo, made a tour of the staffs of the internal security forces.

He specifies that the visit which took the Minister to the National Gendarmerie, the National Fire Brigade (BNSP) and the National Police allowed him to do “an immersion to get to know these institutions better “.

It is rightly that the private newspaper Le Quotidien lets read on its front page: “Territorial administration, decentralization and security: Minister Emile Zerbo exchanges with the gendarmerie, the BNSP and the national police”.

Le Pays, another private daily, has the headline: “Internal security: Minister Emile Zerbo galvanizes his troops”, before indicating that according to the MATDS, this visit is part of the normal functioning of his department.

For its part, the national daily Sidwaya points out that in the field of the fight against terrorism, “Minister Emile Zerbo encourages the internal security forces”.

The same daily, under another chapter, reads: “National symposium on slaughterhouses and slaughtering areas: actors in search of solutions to clean up the sector”.

The newspaper informs that the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises is organizing the 1st national symposium on slaughterhouses and slaughtering areas, Thursday August 24, 2023 in Ouagadougou. The opening of the work was presided over by the delegate minister in charge of animal resources, Amadou Dicko.

On this subject, the dean of private Burkinabè dailies L’Observateur Paalga mentions: “Fight against insalubrity in slaughterhouses: The actors are sharpening their knives”.

The newspaper reports that the livestock-meat sector generates about 18% of GDP and represents 26% of Burkina’s exports.

“Better, today, more than 25% of our operating revenue is made up of this sector and in terms of earnings, that amounts to 60 billion FCFA”, observes L’Observateur Paalga.

He adds that this requires setting up reference slaughterhouses, upgrading existing ones and strengthening the synergy of action between ministerial departments.

Le Pays, under the title: “Promotion of Burkinabè tourism: Six years later, SITHO-VITHRO is reborn from its ashes”, informs that the National Organizing Committee of the 13th edition of the International Tourism and Hospitality Fair of Ouagadougou (SITHO) and the International Showcase of Tourism, Hotels and Restaurants of Ouagadougou (VITHRO) hosted a press briefing yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou.

He notes that after its suspension in 2017, the government of the Transition through the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, decided this year to relaunch this event dedicated to the promotion of Burkinabe tourism in particular, and African in general.

And to indicate that the joint organization of this edition of SITHO-VITHRO will be held from October 26 to 29, 2023.

For his part, Sidwaya adds that the Secretary General (SG) of the Ministry in charge of Culture, Fidèle Tamini, recalled that the holding of these two events aims to highlight the tourism potential of Burkina Faso and to support the efforts of private actors who keep the sector alive.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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