Burkina/Roman: Salifou Dioni offers “The Painkillers of Retirement”, a therapy for retirees and non-retirees

The young Burkinabè writer, Salifou Dioni indicated in an interview granted Monday to an AIB journalist, that his work “The painkillers of retirement” is intended to be therapeutic, offering ”realistic” tools to treat retirees but also workers so that they can properly prepare for their retirement. This 116-page book is divided into 11 chapters, easy to read, currently available in the Mercurie, Plum’Afrik and Jeunesse d’Afrique libraries at the price of 7000 FCFA.

Question (Q): Why is the title of the book titled “Retirement Painkillers?” “.

Answer (A): The work can be renamed the “Anti-pains of life” and it should be seen as a therapeutic book, a book that heals. It warns young and old to avoid problems and at the same time it treats problems curatively. Like medicine, this book is like a vaccine that warns young workers and a serum that treats the problems of old people who are retired or almost retired. It warns so that the problems do not arrive them and at the same time it takes care of those who are already in the problems. Above all, financial and social problems.

Q: Where did you get the idea to write a book on retirement?

R : The idea came when I myself was looking for solutions on my future career when I was still a student. And this idea was reinforced when I started doing internships in public and private structures. All employees had almost the same concerns regardless of the level of their salary. Worries about the end of their career, insufficient salary, concerns about the future of their children, etc. I asked myself questions and then I went to meet the elders to understand more in order to prepare my professional development. Among these elders, some agreed to testify. From their testimony, it appears that there is only a minority who live easily in retirement while the majority suffer enormously after retirement because of mistakes and lack of information at the beginning of their careers. I decided to use these testimonials for myself. As I also intended to write a book, I thought why not share this message to prevent and allow the majority to be able to avoid mistakes and find the best tools to build a happy life, once being employed.

Q: Who is the book for?

A: The book is intended for everyone in general and employees in particular. If we still want to be more selective, the book is aimed much more at those who are starting their careers. Those who have not yet squandered their nest eggs, salaries, loans and finally their pensions. They will all find satisfaction in reading this book attentively.

Q: How important is this book in a worker’s life?

A: It is very important for any worker as it helps to avoid financial and social problems. It also allows one to use the tools to build a rich life to enjoy with family and loved ones. This also contributes to the individual and collective development of the nation. The wealth of a nation is the sum of the wealth of its population and the book allows this.

Q: What is the impact of this book in the life of a young person and in the life of an old person?

A: The impact of this book in the life of a young person is first of all awareness and openness. The discovery of certain information and secrets that allow young people to walk without error and succeed in developing their financial and social situation. For the elderly, the impact lies in the hope it arouses and allows them to live easily by overcoming anxieties and regrets by rebuilding their lives whatever their age. Anything is always possible as long as you’re alive.

Q: Why should people care about this book?

A: To be interested in this book is to be interested in one’s own financial and social future. It’s learning how to get rich from your salary, loan, pension, etc. To be interested in this book is to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes of youth in order to live a happy and peaceful life. Basically, it is a professional, personal and collective development book.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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