Burkina: Real estate development and electricity subsidies occupy the front pages of daily newspapers

Burkinabe newspapers this Thursday comment on national news marked by the exit, the day before, of the Director General of the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL), as well as by decrees adoption taken in the Council of Ministers yesterday, concerning real estate development.

Today in Faso, a private daily, has the headline: “Real estate development: Obtaining approval now subject to a deposit of 250 million CFA francs”.

The newspaper thus addresses one of the three adoption decrees relating to real estate development, taken in the Council of Ministers yesterday Wednesday and commented on by the Minister in charge of Housing, Makaïlou Sidibé, at the end of the government meeting.

In this regard, Le Pays headlines: “Council of Ministers: the issuance of approvals now subject to the deposit of 250 million CFA francs”, where the national daily Sidwaya displays: “Law on real estate development: The government adopts the decrees adoption”.

According to Sidwaya who sites Minister Sidibé, the adoption of the decrees adopting the law on real estate promotion, “makes it possible to improve the implementation of this law whose objective is to increase the supply of housing for the benefit of the people.”

For its part, L’Observateur Paalga, the oldest private daily newspaper in Burkina Faso, highlights the Director General (DG) of the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL), Souleymane Ouédraogo.

Yesterday Wednesday in Ouagadougou, he hosted a press conference on the subject of changes in national electricity prices.

Under the title “SONABEL reassures its worried customers”, L’Observateur Paalga reports that there is no increase in prices, specifying that this is the main message delivered by DG Souleymane Ouédraogo, during the conference Press.

Along the same lines, Le Quotidien, another private newspaper, mentions on the front page the words of the CEO of SONABEL who declares: “There is no price increase for households or for manufacturers”.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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