Burkina Prime Minister Urges Citizens to Defend Transition Amid Governance Challenges

Ouagadougou – On Monday, Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla called on the Burkinabè people who favor reforms to improve governance and public finances to stand against efforts aimed at undermining the current transitional government. The remarks were made during an event dedicated to the national flag, as part of the National Citizenship Week.

According to a new release by Burkina Information Agency, the transitional government inherited situations of poor governance upon its arrival. The Prime Minister outlined various issues plaguing the country, such as national and international economic operators compelled to pay large sums for their investment projects to be considered, manipulative legal texts that legitimize illicit enrichments, and significant amounts of money invested in studies for projects that never materialize.

The Prime Minister further highlighted problems like an unsustainable remuneration system in a struggling country, numerous legal cases that don’t reach successful conclusions, and issues within control institutions that act as barriers to good governance. According to him, many reforms are crucial for the rebuilding of the state and society.

In his address, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla noted that those opposed to the proposed reforms are making efforts to bring down the transitional government. “Many, feeling reforms coming that they do not want, are pulling out all the stops to bring down the Transition regime. While some are fighting for the future of the country, others are fighting for their personal future. It is up to those who identify with the reforms initiated or planned by the Transition to stand up to defend it,” he stated.

The Prime Minister urged citizens to draw inspiration from the history of the national flag and those who created it, emphasizing that they were not defended when faced with adversity. “This should serve as a lesson to everyone. It is then that we will deserve the flag of the Sankarist revolution,” he added.

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