Burkina: Our vision is to make our centers real training centers (Minister)

The Minister in charge of the Arts, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo indicated this Tuesday in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the delivery of master-class certificates to trainees at the end of their training that the The government’s vision “is to make our centers veritable training centers for quality human resources”.

“In a rapidly changing world, training is a central axis of any ambitious policy and our vision is to make our centers real crucibles of quality human resources training capable of meeting our ambitions”, indicated the Minister. in charge of Culture and the Arts, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo . The Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, spoke on Tuesday in Ouagadougou on the occasion of the presentation of master class certificates to 29 trainees from the National Institute of artistic and cultural training (INAFAC).

For Mr. Ouédraogo, the productions of the National Institute for Artistic and Cultural Training (INAFAC) reinforce his conviction that it is led by great professionals on “whom we can count on”. He paid homage to them and encouraged them in their “noble mission”.

Mr. Ouédraogo said he was impressed by the achievements of the trainees at the end of these two weeks of training they received. He encouraged them to continue to be trained at INAFAC.

According to him, “when you see the achievements, it really shows the quality and the seriousness that is put into the training, whether in plastic arts, whether in music, we have already seen concrete results in two weeks of training.

However, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo acknowledged that despite these multiple efforts made, the challenges remain enormous, namely the strengthening of the technical and pedagogical capacities of trainers.

Also, the recruitment of trainers in music, plastic arts and dances, maintenance of equipment, construction and infrastructure equipment. He reassured that these efforts will be continued and intensified taking into account the realities of the moment.

Minister Ouédraogo underlined that no sacrifice will be too much to work to raise INAFAC to the rank of an artistic school of experience and reference.

Created by Zatu on September 10, 1985 under the name Popular Academy of the Arts, the structure has changed its name several times and since December 5, 2000 has been called the “National Institute for Artistic and Cultural Training” (INAFAC). The training is done for three years at INAFAC to obtain the license at the end.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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