Burkina: News from the front and tax stamps take the front page of daily newspapers

This Thursday’s Burkinabè dailies comment extensively on the reaction, the day before, of the President of Faso to the subject of the production of a new stamp, without forgetting the news relating to terrorism.

The private newspaper Le Pays returns to the release of Dr. Kenneth Elliott by highlighting the words of the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, Olivia Rouamba who declares that “Burkina played a big role”.

According to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, the process which led to the release of Dr. Kenneth Eliot began in 2022 and Burkina Faso played a major role in said release.

Today in Faso, another private daily, informs that in the Center-East region of Burkina, “several dozen terrorists were killed in airstrikes”.

For its part, L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of private dailies in Burkina Faso, under the title: “Mané: A repelled attack”, speaks of a terrorist attack repelled, yesterday Wednesday, in a locality located about thirty kilometers of Kaya, in the center-north of the country.

The newspaper Le Quotidien, for its part, gives the floor to Raphaël Koama, presented as being a former deputy and writer, who affirms this: “Let us mobilize all our energies to reconquer our Nation”.

Meanwhile, the national daily Sidwaya, through ”Les nouvelles du front”, informs that “terrorists (have been) neutralized in the forest of Tiourel”.

The same newspaper headlines: “Council of Ministers: + The stamp will indeed be a national product +, Bassolma Bazié, Minister in charge of the Public Service”.

According to Minister Bassolma quoted by Sidwaya, the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré congratulates the whole of Burkinabè for “the courage, the abnegation, but also the attitude of frankness that they observe in the behavior towards the rulers”.

In this regard, Le Pays reads on its front page: “New Stamp: President Ibrahim Traoré rejects his impression abroad”.

The newspaper, which refers to a dispatch from the information agency, mentions that President Ibrahim Traoré has rejected the new tax stamp printed abroad and invites technicians to present in the short term, “a Burkinabè solution” to this situation.

The country recalls that voices have been raised on the web to criticize this outsourcing, because according to them, the necessary expertise exists in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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