Burkina: More than 8.5 billion FCFA saved thanks to a partial control of the remuneration of civil servants

More than 8.5 billion FCFA have been saved thanks to the correction of salaries, previously received illegally by civil servants, announced the government which intends to expand controls within the army and health workers.

Under the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Forecasting, an oral communication was made to the Board on the partial report on the attendance control operation and the elements of remuneration of civil servants.

For the Minister in charge of Finance, AboubaKar NACANABO, this is the first phase of this operation which has made it possible to make some corrections amounting to more than 8.5 billion FCFA.

“This means that it was undue remuneration which was paid and which was corrected following this control operation.

After this first phase, there will be a second phase which will concern health workers and a third phase which will concern the army,” said Minister NACANABO.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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